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Animal Transportation Controls


Whom does the Inspection Service SAP perform controls for?

We perform controls of animal transports on the basis of private jurisdiction. We don't perform official controls.

Our co-contractors are for example Coop, IP-SUISSE, Migros Genossenschaftsbund MGB, Mutterkuh Schweiz, Bio Suisse and KAG Freiland.



What does the Inspection Service SAP control?

On behalf of our signatories we control animal transports according to criterias defined by the Inspection Service SAP and its partners. These standards are printed out on check-lists. They rely mainly on common law but in some cases exceed it. You find the guidelines currently in effect here (Infodesk / Guidelines).

Based on the results of the control, our signatories are allowed to award contractual penalties to the responsible livestock merchants according to private jurisdiction.

The classification of objections according to severity and penalty points can be reviewed here: Schweregrade und Strafpunkte


How do I recognize "real" SAP inspectors?

The male and female inspectors of the Inspection Service SAP are permanently employed experts. They can be recognized by their black t-shirts or gilets with the orange print "Inspection Service SAP" and the orange SAP-logo, and by their identification badges.


What's the inspectors' work?

The task of our inspectors is similar to that of an examination expert. They survey and write down how drivers and farmers perform their work. They are not allowed to give any information on the results during or immediately after the control. The results are sent to the controlled people in a detailed report.

We execute animal transport inspections in two manners: Reception controls in abattoirs, on livestock markets a.s.o., and accompanied controls. For further details see Kontrollarten.

Animal transport controls differ from animal husbandry inspections in certain particular ways:

  • Due to the constitution of the present market, the companies transporting animals are usually not directly integrated into the quality management schemes of the label owners.

  • Label animals are often transported together with non-label animals.

  • Due to the many animal transport companies and animal merchants active in commerce, transport controls are - and always will be - sample controls which can never include all animal haulers and animal traders.
  • In contrast to animal husbandry inspections and due to the contents of contracts, penalties in case of irregularities can sometimes not be implemented on the fallible transport companies or their client respectively for all labels controlled. This applies mainly to poultry and rabbit transports. You can find further information in the specifications of the individual labels.

You can find more information on the procedures and underlying rules here: Ablauf Transportkontrolle

Animal traders (agents) will find further information concerning transportation schedules here: Infos für Vermittler