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Complaint Procedure

Options of Complaints to Control Results

Mistakes can occur anywhere. As a matter of fact also in the valuations of the Inspection Service SAP. Most mistakes are detected by the integrated quality management procedures of the Inspection Service SAP. However, if a mistake goes undetected, or if there are major disagreements  between the inspector and the inspected person about the result, the regular objection procedure of the Inspection Service SAP can be claimed. It consists of two levels.

1st Level of Objection: Objection to the CEO of the Inspection Service SAP

Address: Inspection Service SAP, Weihermattstrasse 98, CH-5000 Aarau, SWITZERLAND
Form: Written and well-founded.
Deadlines: Animal husbandry inspections max. 10 days, animal transports and slaughter max. 30  days after receiving the respective report.

2nd Level of Objection: Appeal to the Complait Committee SAP

Address: Swiss Animal Protection SAP, Complaint Committee SAP, Dornacherstrasse 101, CH-4018 Basel, SWITZERLAND
Form: Written and well-founded.
Deadlines: Within 10 days after recieving the appealeable complaint decision of the CEO of the Inspection Service SAP.


In general, objections and appeals are liable to charges. Charges must be paid in advance but are partially refund if an appeal is granted to the objector.

The charges are determined annually.

1st level of objection: Objection;  free of charge
2nd level of objection: Appeal;  CHF 500.-



Advice: In case of the chance of a simple misunderstanding, a phone call to the inspector or the office of the Inspection Service SAP is an option prior to starting a complaint procedure:
Phone: +41 (0)62 296 09 71