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IP Suisse / Terrasuisse

Transportation Controls IP-SUISSE / Terrasuisse

Label i.a. for species-appropriate husbandry of cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry. Husbandry of livestock according to IP-SUISSE guidelines.

Migros sells IP-SUISSE products using the brand name Terrasuisse.

The husbandries themselves are NOT inspected by the Inspection Service SAP.


No limitation of admitted traders

No limitation of involved transportation companies

Sanctions apply since July 2011

Transportation Controls since


Client of Controls


Label Owner

Migros for Terrasuisse

IP-Suisse für IP-SUISSE

Annual Number of Controls

  • approx. 100 transportation controls. Partition between accompanied and reception controls varies.


Frischfleisch AG Sursee (Porkers, Sows, Calves, Cattle/Cows)

Marmy SA Estavayer-le-Lac (Calves, Cattle/Cows)

Micarna SA Courtepin (Porkers, Sows, Chicken)

Abattoir ZSHAG Hinwil (Sows, Lambs)

Abattoir SBZAG Zurich (Porkers, Sows, Cattle/Cows, Lambs)

SBAG Bazenheid (Pigs)

SBAG Gossau (Calves, Cattle/Cows)

SIGE Clarens (Lambs)


Migros throughout Switzerland, other retailers

Accreditation Status

In the accredited sector according to ISO/IEC 17020 since: 2011