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Livestock Inspections

The Inspection Service SAP performs inspections of animal husbandries for various labels, thereby supporting labels with husbandry systems complying with good animal welfare standards. Due to independent and consistent inspections we make sure that the required husbandry standards are implemented on animal level, thus enhancing the credibility of the labels.


What does the Inspection Service SAP inspect?

Swiss Animal Protection SAP defines the minimal standards for labels willing to have their husbandries inspected by the Inspection Service SAP as follows:

  • In general, compliance with both of the swiss federally subsidized programs BTS and RAUS are required as minimal standards for the inspected species of animals. BTS translates as "especially animal-friendly housing sytems" and stands basically for group housing, littered resting areas and pens with various areas of activity. RAUS means regular free-range outdoors (an exception are rabbits, where only BTS is required).
  • Additionally, a permanent (i.e. always accessible) outdoor range is required for most of the livestock species.

  • As a rule, the inspections must be carried out unannounced (exception: the primary admission of additional farms partaking).

  • It is important for Swiss Animal Protection SAP to have the right to participate in and veto the establishment of guidelines.

  • Penalties imposed on violation of the guidelines must have a discouraging effect on fallible livestock owners.


Who are the SAP inspectors?

Our male and female inspectors are all qualified experts and are out and about, all year round, to cast a sharp eye on farms participating in a label controlled by us.


What's an inspectors' work?

In general, each farm is inspected once a year, unannounced. The livestock species registered for the respective label are thereby surveyed.