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Mutterkuh Schweiz

Transportation Controls Natura-Beef / Natura-Veal / SwissPrimBeef

Label for the husbandry of meat cattle / meat calves from suckler cows


  • Two admitted traders (agents)
  • No limitation of involved transportation companies. However, mainly two companies are in charge, which assign sometimes subcontractors
  • Specified evaluation criterias
  • Penalties apply since 2014

Transportation Controls since

2004 (SwissPrimBeef since 2014)

Client of Controls

Mutterkuh Schweiz (since 2013, 2004 - 2013 Coop)

Label Owner

Mutterkuh Schweiz

Kontrollumfang pro Jahr

  • ca. 10 Begleitende Transportkontrollen
  • ca. 15 Annahmekontrollen


Abattoir Bell Oensingen


Coop throughout Switzerland
SwissPrimBeef other retailers as well

Accreditation Status

In the accredited sector according to ISO/IEC 17020 since: 2020