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Abattoir Audits

The SAP inspection service has been auditing slaughterhouses with its specialists for many years with regard to animal welfare during slaughter.

We carry out these audits on a private law basis. We do not carry out official controls!

The audits are based on animal welfare-specific inspection criteria drawn up by the SAP inspection service. These are based in part on legal requirements, but go beyond these in various areas. From November 2021, the following documents will apply to the assessment of slaughter lines:

The checklists and tools for the slaughterhouse audit can be found in the Infodesk.

From 2021, only slaughterhouses with which direct contractual agreements can be concluded will be audited.

These agreements ensure that the slaughterhouses audited by the STS inspection service

  • are assessed in accordance with a publicly accessible standard under private law
  • comply with clear rules and deadlines for rectifying any deficiencies found
  • are publicly listed with the STS and assigned to a quality level with regard to animal welfare standards on the basis of the current audit results.

Further information is currently only available in German and French.