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Accompanied and Stationary Transportation Controls

We perform controls of animal transports in two ways:

Reception Controls in abattoirs, on markets a.s.o.: Our inspectors stay on the spot and examine the arriving trucks


  • Completely unannounced
  • Many vehicles per day can be examined
  • A relatively simple method of determinating stocking density, accommodation of the animals, technical condition of the vehicles, handling of the animals during discharge a.s.o.


  • The loading or reloading en route and the driving style of the chauffeur cannot be assessed.

The transportation and driving times can be calculated according to the accompanying documents only.

Accompanied Controls: A transport is being accompanied from the beginning to the final destination point


  • The complete transportation process including loading facilities on the farms and reloading between various trucks can be surveyed
  • The proceeding of the transport including factual driving- and transportation times are examined


  • Must be announced short-termed to the first farmer at least.
  • Only one transport per day and inspector can be examined.
  • Very complex regarding procurement of information and planning.