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The Competence Centre for Livestock offers training regarding various professional educations. Hereby we aim to bring in found specialized knowledge from the point of view of animal protection in direct contact with the players of the market and for straight practical implementation.

In Co-operation with

We offer our trainings in direct exchange with the educating bodies and therefore are in contact with the following associations and organizations: Schweizerischer Viehhändlerverband SVV, Camionneurenverband ASTAG, Ausbildungszentrum für die Schweizer Fleischwirtschaft - ABZ Spiez, Aviforum, ETH Zürich.


We are experienced in the training of truck drivers for cattle and small livestock (SVV, ASTAG), abattoir employees for cattle and small livestock (ABZ Spiez) and poultry (Aviforum). Additionally, we present ourselves in a  series of lectures at the ETH Zurich together with other external lecturers. We would be glad in being of help in the development of further training documentations.

Training documentation is at your disposal here (Infodesk / Training Documentation).