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Inspections in April 2020

Under normal circumstances the Control Service SAP performs unannounced inspections on livestock farms of selected labels.

Due to the actual situation these inspections have been preemptively interrupted in mid-March in order to examine the development and to make sensible, pragmatic decisions.
By the end of last week the executive of the control service decided the following proceedings:

Starting from April the inspections will be resumed on a reduced level. A certain part of them will be carried out after prior consultation the evening before. The farmers can refuse an inspection without further consequences if they are concerned about their health. In this case the inspection will take place unannounced as usual at a later time in this year. Decision about the farms to be inspected on announcement is made by the executive of the Control Service SAP exclusively. There is no right of claim for an announced inspection by the farmers. Furthermore, the Control Service SAP will control the access to pastures unannounced, especially for free-range poultry. Such controls are possible without direct personal contact. The inspectors of the SAP will consult the farmers after these inspections.

The situation will be re-evaluated by the end of April and the proceedings for May be announced.

The Control Service SAP performs no inspections according to common public law. Therefore it is not bound to respective ordnances of the FSVO. But, of course, the SAP will show consideration for farmers and their employees under the present difficult circumstances.