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Product evaluation according to animal welfare criteria: The basics

For each animal species that supplies food, the animal welfare requirements were assessed. The type of animal husbandry, basics of animal transport, what happens during slaughter, or even questions of control quality, verifiability of the flow of goods, etc.: we grouped and weighted up to 100 such detailed requirements relevant to animal welfare into 14 criteria for each animal category.

There are various factors that influence animal welfare. For example, sufficient space, a littered lying area and opportunities for outdoor exercise are central prerequisites for a species-appropriate life for farm animals. Unfortunately, however, these things are not given in many places and the differences between the various animal husbandry specifications are extremely large. Most labels in Switzerland, for example, require outdoor exercise, but very few require outdoor grazing. So not all outdoor exercise is the same. The duration per day, the size of the exercise area, the shading, etc. must also be taken into account. Some more far-reaching requirements may seem secondary at first glance, but they do have an influence on animal welfare, such as pecking stones to keep poultry occupied or cooling facilities for pigs.