Lüchinger + Schmid Eggs

Lüchinger & Schmid Layer Hens


  • Housing in aviaries with regularly accessible, furnished and sheltered outside runs.

  • On all farms pasture (in the afternoon, if weather allows).

  • No animal proteins and no genetically modified components in the feed.

The annual and unannounced inspections of all farms producing for Lüchinger & Schmid according to the quality system SWISS CERTFIED include various husbandry standards (organic, free-range) and are inspected by the Inspection Service SAP since 2014.

Client of Inspections

Lüchinger + Schmid AG

Label Owner

Lüchinger + Schmid AG


Migros and various other customers


Checklist LS Free Range Eggs german / french

Checkliste Controlling LS Bio Eggs german

Table of Dimensions and Stockage Calculations for Laying Hens german / french

Accreditation Status

Not in the accredited sector