Which retailers use the PSA animal welfare labelling:
Enterprise | from when | products | number |
02 / 2021 | Boeuf, veau, poulet, porc, agneau | 100 |
Why a rating on packaging
Even if consumers want to look at animal welfare aspects when shopping: a multitude of packaging, brands and advertising promises make the desired choice very difficult. With the Animal Welfare Rating, we can present a uniform and comprehensible animal welfare rating directly on the product, which offers help at the moment of the purchase decision.
This rating is created and further developed by the Competence Centre for Farm Animals of the Swiss Animal Protection STS.
The rating of the individual products is also carried out by the STS according to this rating scheme. The retail trade has no influence on the results.
What the rating on the packaging says
Click on the graphic to find out:
The underlying rating system is the same as for the rating platform www.essenmitherz.ch.
Does Swiss Animal Protection receive money from retailers?
Retailers who use the SAP assessment logo pay the SAP for the work involved in assessing new products at standard hourly rates. In contrast, the development of the assessment system, which is important for independent animal welfare work, is funded by the SAP itself. This ensures that donations are not used for work for the benefit of the retail trade and, at the same time, that no company or organisation can influence the rating system.